
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ok, Let's Talk Sponsor!

My Three Bittles

Sponsoring Amber @ My Three Bittles was probably the best decision I have made thus far in blogging. She was absolutely incredible. From the moment she approved my ad, she went and followed me on anything she wasn't already on with me..Twitter, Facebook, Blog, Pinterest...she literally went all out. Something that I am totally not used to as far as Sponsoring is concerned.
If we want to talk numbers, I have gained about 30 followers on Twitter, roughly 50 followers on Facebook, and a good 25 on my Blog. We are talking about this happening in about five days. I did post a giveaway on her page, and a lot of traffic came from that giveaway. Amber has over 1000 followers so she is a well known blogger!
I cannot recommend her enough. She truly is a great person all around and will help you with anything you need. She has answered countless questions, and walked me through the best routes for advertising with her. Sponsoring with her was seriously the best. I recently had a negative experience with a Sponsor, and she totally changed my attitude around on this. It is hard to put money out on something that you are unsure of a return on, but My Three Bittles will come through!
Head on over to her blog and look around! She is an awesome blogger and a daily read!

1 comment:

  1. I love Amber! She is one of my bloggy friends and she is just incredible! I'm glad you like her as much as I do!

    XOXO, Jessica from Girl Booklet
